A True Best Friend

8 years ago, as a freshman in college, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I had to take a medical leave in order to heal and better myself. In that time, I lived at home with our family dog (another golden retriever - definitely biased). Last year, I found myself falling into a bit of a hole again. I started feeling most anxious alone and found myself at my parents’ house with their dogs. That is when I decided to bite the bullet, and my fiancé and I called the breeder.
Berkley has changed my life for the better. I work a pretty high stress job, but coming home to that Golden smile and wagging tail is all I need. To her, every day is the best day, and I believe that everyone should live that way. She has no care in the world other than to make everyone around her happy. My life is so much better with her in it."
–Lauren, Puppy Mama and Berkley, a golden retriever, in Falmouth (Cape Cod), Massachusetts @berkleysgoldenadventures