November 28, 2017
"From the moment I saw him, my heart was full of love"

When my last dog of 14 years, who I had for as long as I could remember, had passed away from cancer, I was so devastated that I didn’t want another dog because I knew no one could ever replace her.
Because I am a student studying veterinary medicine, I realize that pets passing is a fact of life and that I would have to move on so I got Tango, still believing I could never love another as much as I loved my last dog.
From the moment I saw him, my heart was full of love and I’m so lucky for him to be my best friend. When Tango is happy, I’m happy and he’s the happiest puppy ever! I don’t think I could love any other like I love him.”
-Leeza, Puppy Mama in the California Bay Area