Gracie Girl

Since adding the addition of Gracie to our family, she has brought nothing but joy and many laughs! She puts a smile on our face daily and is an amazing little pup! She is there for us after tough days of work with her unconditional love. Even though we have had her for a short time, we can not imagine our lives without her! 🐾💖🐶"
Bringing Gracie Home
"A little bit of a backstory, I have wanted a puppy for many many years. In recent years, I would send pictures of Goldendoodles to my family and now husband around holidays and my birthday. For 3 straight years, my dad would put a cage under the tree with a note from Santa saying ‘maybe next year’. In the Spring of 2017, my husband and I were finally settled in Chicago and my first priority was a puppy, my dream finally came true when we picked Grace up on July 3rd ! 🤗😍"
-Allie, Puppy Mama and Gracie, the Goldendoodle in Chicago, IL @gracie_girl_dood