"I sure hope my Stella lives forever because I don't know what I will ever do without her!"

Who Saved Who?!?
In late August 2016, my fiance and I purchased this beautiful cavapoo puppy from what we later learned to be a puppy mill. We named her Stella as our first date was actually at a restaurant named Stellas and our little family has never been the same.
Stella is the apple of our eye. I have never in my life known any dog like her. I am pretty convinced she is a human trapped in the body of a dog. She is the sweetest, most comforting, cuddly, sensitive, curious, playful, funny pup ever. Her favorite game is hide and seek and she is quite the little foodie. If I start dancing around the room, she gets the biggest grin on her face and then she will join me. Recently she has started mimicking my workout or yoga moves when I am doing them in our living room. I sure hope my Stella lives forever because I don't know what I will ever do without her!
- Danielle Nelson, Puppy Mama in Minneapolis, MN