April 06, 2018
Miles - The Greatest Gift

My dog is the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me! Receiving him for my 16th birthday was the greatest gift I've ever received. He's been around 10 years now, sleeps with me in my bed every night, follows me everywhere I go, and if I have to leave for even a few hours, it breaks my heart! He's there for me through thick and thin, and he never leaves my side!"
Life before Miles
"Before I came across him as a pup, my life wasn't at all the same. Deep down inside it's like he can sense when you are going through rough times, he's that comfort that's always there for me. I don't know what I'd do without him!"
-Brette Vanderwoude, Puppy Mama and Miles, the lab retriever in Brantford, Ontario @labretriever_miles