Moose, A Little Bundle of Happiness

Moose has added so much happiness and playfulness in my life over the past 5 weeks. He is SO friendly and makes me laugh constantly during playtime. He has taught me lots and lots of patience and has also helped me get off my phone a lot more - he likes the attention to be on him and his toys 😂🙏🏼. So many times during the day, I just stare at him in amazement with how I could have gotten so lucky to be his momma."
Life before Moose
“Life before moose was a dull routine. Now I can’t wait to get home from work to see him and play with him. He has made me even more active than I already am and I’m looking forward to taking him on more adventures on my days off. This boy is fearless!" 💪🐶
- Kelsey, Puppy Mama and Moose the maltipoo in San Diego, CA @relseyko