Rivers, The Sweetest Cavapoo

When we picked up Rivers, my husband and I were so excited and so nervous. The first night was very rough, but it gets better every day. Watching him get so excited to see us when we get home is all we need. He really does light up our family and we can’t even imagine life without him. We can’t wait to see him grow and take him out for some adventures!"
Life before Rivers
"Life before Rivers was not as eventful. We were constantly stressed about work, school, life – really whatever was thrown at us. Now when we get home, it’s like all those stressors immediately leave and there he is! Wagging his tail and so unbelievably happy to see us, is exactly what we need to turn any day around."
- Katie Churchill, Puppy Mama and Rivers, the cavapoo in San Ramon, CA @katiechurchill_