Pippa- The Precious Pup

Pippa has added so much even in her short little life (4 months) so far! The first day I got her, my heart honestly felt like it had doubled in size and she had an entire half of it to herself.
She is such a huge cuddle bug and is the best if I’m not having a good day. She comes to work with me and gives me an excuse to take a breather from work and take her to the dog park nearby to play. And I got her right after my grampa died and she has helped me get through that; when my family gets sad about losing him, she’s always ready to jump into a lap and help."
Life before Pippa
"Life before Pippa was great, don’t get me wrong – but since I’ve had her, it’s expanded exponentially. It’s not just about me anymore. I’ve grown since I’ve had her and it’s been great :)."
-India, Puppy Mama and Pippa the cockapoo in Seattle, WA @pippathepreciouspup