Raising Mila

I got Mila a month ago and it was one of the happiest days of my life! I had been planning on getting a puppy for months but I just had not found the right one. Then one day, my parents sent me a picture of a tiny chocolate toy poodle baby and I was in love - I knew she was the one. A month later, they drove her from Phoenix to LA and I met her for the first time.
Since then, she has brought nothing but joy and laughter to my home and to everyone who meets her. She is such a smart, funny, tiny and friendly puppy and I’m so happy I get to watch her grow. Being a puppy mom is just as much work as everyone told me it would be, but it’s more rewarding than I could have ever imagined - I’m so happy and grateful to have Mila 💕"
-Gabriela, Puppy Mama and in Los Angeles, CA @petitepoodle