Zara - The Mini Doodle

Before Zara, our life was getting to be a bit routine and we were ready for something new and exciting. Zara has been new, exciting, and so much more! As someone who struggles with anxiety and lives in a state where it is gloomy and cold more often than not, Zara has significantly improved my mental health and consistently gives us a reason to smile, even if the sun isn’t shining.
While she has her spurts of crazy, she is one of the most well-mannered, loving puppies we’ve ever met. Seeing the happiness she brings our friends, family, and strangers on the street makes every long night, accident, and bought of zoomies worth it. Zara has changed us for the better and we can’t imagine life without her!"
-Erin, Puppy Mama and Zara, the mini goldendoodle in Minneapolis, MN @zaratheminidoodle