Kiki Secord | Puppy Mama Top Ambassador
Puppy Mama Ambassador Kiki Secord

Hometown: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Angel Pup: Miss Harley Queen (aka Harlequin or “Harley” for short)
Why do you enjoy being a Puppy Mama Ambassador?
"Being a Puppy Mama Ambassador has given me an incredible sense of community and belonging. My world went pretty dark in the months before adopting Harley, but through her I have rediscovered some of the light I thought I had lost forever. I was rescued by my four-legged soulmate and connected with a likeminded community of Puppy Mamas who adore their furry best friends as much as I do. I absolutely love the Puppy Mama mission. Dogs are magical creatures and seeing all the other amazing women around the world sharing their stories of overcoming obstacles, finding themselves, and celebrating the love of their fur babies is so uplifting.
Thanks to Puppy Mama, I have been inspired to do my part to create a more dog-friendly world and to continue to raise awareness for the benefits of canine therapy on a regular basis."

Did sharing your story help you along your healing journey?
"I absolutely found sharing my story to be a cathartic experience. I have found that putting things in writing helps me to process my emotions and if sharing my story can help other people who are going through difficult times feel that they are not alone - that is doubly rewarding. Even though society has come a long way from where it was as far as accepting and understanding mental health issues, there is still so far to go.
I hope that I can help facilitate the conversation and continue to give a voice to those who are struggling, if only to let others know that they are not alone. They are enough and they are worthy of feeling loved and supported."
How important was it to be able to share your health story to a supportive platform?
"Having a supportive, likeminded, and loving community to share my story with has created many meaningful and healing connections for me. This has been a huge part of helping me feel supported and understood during a very dark time.
I truly believe that these bonds I have forged through the Puppy Mama network will be ones that will last a lifetime. They are relationships with women around the world who can understand and empathize with my struggles, who have the same beliefs and priorities as I do, and who celebrate the gift of the unconditional love and healing our pups provide us. Having access to this online network that feels like a family has truly been a gift during my recovery."
Would you encourage others to share their health journey stories - the way that you so courageously did?
"Absolutely. I have found that one of the best ways to make a difference in this world is through sharing your stories. To reach out, connect, and touch others with your trials and triumphs. Creating a more tolerant and loving world begins with understanding each others’ experiences."

Why are you passionate about Puppy Mama's mission?
"Without canine therapy, I don’t know where I would be today. Harley is quite literally my lifeline on my bad days and the highlight of my good ones. As my emotional support animal, she accompanies me pretty much everywhere and helps to ground me and keep me calm. Since rescuing Harley, my eyes have been opened to just how many limits exist on where dogs are allowed and welcomed.
Puppy Mama’s mission to heighten accessibility for our four-legged friends and raise awareness for the benefits of canine therapy is a mission I stand behind 1000%. Knowing how much Harley’s presence and unconditional love in my life has done to change my world for good makes me very passionate about doing my part to help create a more dog-friendly world."
About Kiki Secord

"Like most twenty-somethings, I was lost and struggling to find my place in the world. Like many individuals in the world, I was battling mental illness (my darkness takes the form of depression, anxiety, and PTSD). Like the majority of the adult population, I was pretending to know what I was doing with this whole “adulting” thing. I was lost. I was broken. I was searching for meaning; for my purpose.
Then came my purpose, in the form of 22lbs of scruff and an underbite. My little sass monster. My soul mate. My muse. A rescue dog from an abusive background who had been abandoned not once, but twice, searching for her forever home. Yet still, she found me and she chose to trust me, to love me, and to re-introduce me to the light I thought had left my world for good.
I will forever be grateful for Miss Harley Queen (aka Harlequin or “Harley” for short, the namesake behind my company Harlequin’s Closet @harlequinscloset) and I would argue that she is actually the one who “rescued” me. She is the best part of my day and has inspired me to fight the odds and chase my dreams. It is because of her that I am where I am today; that I am emerging from the darkness to become the woman I dream of being."
Become an Ambassador Today!
Do you find yourself often taking pictures of your dog around your city, at dog parks, on trips, etc? If you do, you are the pawfect fit to be a Puppy Mama Ambassador!