Nikki Sammet | Puppy Mama Top Ambassador
Top Puppy Mama Ambassador Nikki Sammet

City: San Diego, CA
Angel Pup: Pax @Paxthedood
Why do you enjoy being a Puppy Mama Ambassador?
"Being an ambassador for Puppy Mama is something I am very passionate about. The world right now needs a lot of healing and unity.
I like being a puppy mama ambassador because it gives me a platform to use my voice and to advocate for those who do not feel they have one. I hope that I can help create change, instill hope, and spread love. I have a background of leading yoga teacher training and facilitating wellness and holistic healing workshops. One of the most important elements of leading these groups is the connection and empowerment that occurs.
Currently, I connect women in my local area and try to incorporate puppy dates or mommy wine dog park romps! It is so wonderful to connect with other women who are pawssionate about their pups and spending time with them. I can't wait to start building relationships with other women in the local area and supporting this initiative. Also, I spend a lot of time researching different topics regarding Pax and I love educating others on what I am learning."

Did you enjoy helping us launch our first Puppy Mama Show @puppy.mama on Instagram?
"My experience with helping Puppy Mama launch their first LIVE show was wonderful! It was fantastic to 1) be able to spend time with Pax and 2) connect with the Puppy Mama community. It was fantastic to reflect on the last 6 months of learning more about being a puppy mama and myself."

Would you encourage other women to share their stories LIVE, as well?
"Originally, I was very hesitant about showing up publicly on Pax's account and wanted to keep myself private. However, due to the massive energy that has been occurring both in the world of social media and outside in the real world, I would now absolutely encourage other women to share their story. There is something very powerful, healing, courageous about saying things about yourself out loud. Additionally, sharing in a community that is so supportive and welcoming makes it a very pawsitive experience! It was so awesome to read the comments and only gave me more confidence as I was sharing."
How special is puppy love?
"Puppy love is unlike any other kind of love. Imagine never having a bad day because you're surrounded by a being that is filled with happiness all the time. When I come home from work and he is wagging his tail and licking my face all over, I feel so loved and complete. I feel more complete and satisfied spending time with Pax than doing other things that don't really fill me up as much. He is never a burden or a stress. The responsibility of being a puppy mama is a privilege and I truly feel grateful to be able to experience this type of unconditional love. Pups help society be more pawsitive, kind, open minded, and friendly!"
Nikki & Pax's Story

"I’m an only child and have been wanting that best friend/sibling my whole life. Although, Pax is more like my child than my brother…his love fills a void in my heart that I always knew was missing. He is my best friend (don’t tell my husband :D). We named him Pax as it means peace in latin and that’s exactly what he is to me and we hope he will be to others. I watch him interact with other people and it is so beautiful how much joy he spreads when out and about.
Pax has brought me so much happiness and helps me stay in the present. Pax grounds me and has helped me to appreciate what is most important in life. He makes me laugh everyday, he makes me love so much deeper, and he has brought my husband and I even closer together. He teaches me to not take life so seriously, to enjoy every moment to its highest capacity, and to love unconditionally.
Every moment with Pax is a learning experience and a blessing. He changed me and I can’t imagine life without him. He is the best thing that has ever happened to us!"
About Nikki Sammet
Nikki lives in San Diego, California with her husband, Jarrod and loves being a Puppy Mama to Pax the dood!
She is a a business coach at a real estate education company and is a full time graduate student. She is getting her PhD in Clinical Psychology & Master's in Marriage and Family Therapy. Nikki is very passionate about travel, photography, writing, and being outdoors. She loves yoga, hiking, hosting parties, and wine tasting!
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Do you find yourself often taking pictures of your dog around your city, at dog parks, on trips, etc? If you do, you are the pawfect fit to be a Puppy Mama Ambassador!